CCR.VirtualKeying – virtual keystroke interface for Windows and OS X

I’ve just added to GitHub a little virtual keystroke interface for Windows and OS X – on the former it wraps the SendInput API, on the latter the CGEvent functions:

Virtually typing some text into the active window is a one-liner:


Alternatively, you can build up a sequence of keystrokes to perform by working with an explicit IVirtualKeySequence instance:

  Sequence: IVirtualKeySequence;
  Sequence := TVirtualKeySequence.Create;
  Sequence.Add(vkA, [ssCommand], [keDown, keUp]);
  Sequence.Add(vkA, [ssCtrl], [keDown, keUp]);

For more on the available methods, check out the readme at the above link. The repository also includes a simple demo in FMX and VCL forms (code is essentially the same).

4 thoughts on “CCR.VirtualKeying – virtual keystroke interface for Windows and OS X

  1. Pingback: Sending virtual keystrokes on OS X | Delphi Haven

    • Hmm, good idea, mouse moves at least shouldn’t be too hard to add, or at least, do on a very similar basis.

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